A man has to maneuver in life through many obstacles. Some of these obstacles come back to bite him in the ass. He can’t rely on friends or money to extricate himself from his messes every time. So what is he to do?

Today’s article for Xviewers is about recovering from bad moves. Sometimes the bad move is a fault of the actor in question. But just as often, a bad move results from circumstances changing in unforeseen ways.

Let’s take a hypothetical example.

You’ve vested 5 years of your life at work. Things are going pretty good. You’ve been promoted twice, and a third promotion looks to be on the horizon.

Then disaster strikes — your firm gets bought out and the new management is looking to make a wholesale replacement of the old upper-tier team — and that includes you. How do you recover from the bad move of going with the wrong company?

In this case, the recovery is a preemptive strike. You’ve been networking the whole time — haven’t you? You put in a word with your contacts that you’re available for a new, better position. You make sure to mention your work experience and your important role with the company you’ve been working at. With luck, you land an even better job with better pay and better responsibilities — all because you’ve been forced to act with severe motivation and intent.

Summation: Prepare backup plans. When disaster strikes, and a bad move is revealed (such as relying too much on one company), you’ll be ready to renavigate.

Let’s take another example.

You hit on a girl who’s pretty and slightly ditzy looking. She looks like an easy lay. And she is — and the sex is great.

But then she turns out to be crazy. She holds a knife to her wrist, threatening to kill herself. She turns the knife point-first, threatening to kill you. She beats up your cat, throwing it against the wall so that Puss-in-Boots walks with a limp for 2 weeks. She is getting more and more violent and aggressive because her emotional needs aren’t being met by you — she “deserved” it.

What she really deserves is a good swift kick in the ass. How do you extricate yourself from this bad move?

Act like the ultimate beta/omega. Cling to her. Beg her to be yours. Simper around. Act without confidence. Stutter a lot all of a sudden. In a sentence, turn her off from your presence. Make her wonder what she ever saw in you.

Summation: Change the initial variables to a new set. Redefine the game.

It’s hard to chart events for every eventuality. You just can’t do it. And some moves have to be made with insufficient information (you can’t know the job is going to evaporate under your feet; you can’t read the minds of every chick you meet). These facts mean that some bad moves are going to be made.

Recovering from them takes a cool hand and a chiller mind. You have to be relaxed at all times, not tense and worrying. It’s like riding a motorcycle around a supertight corner: you lean into it, trusting your instincts not to carry you too far over.

In the end, the party starts when the worrying stops.

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  1. “In the end, the party starts when the worrying stops.”

    I love that line. I think of it as taking life for it is . You can’t control or understand everything coming at you but learn how to adjust on the move.


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